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What Brand of Love Do I Feel? Suzanne Somers’ Husband Alan Hamel’s Final Love Letter to He.

One of the most enduring love tales in Hollywood included Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel. They had been inseparable business and life partners for 55 years. Hamel sent her a farewell love letter that is both uplifting and painful in the days before her cancer death in 2022.

Hamel considers the various kinds of love he has experienced for Somers throughout the years in the letter. He talks about their early years of intense love, their middle years of profound love, and their latter years of enduring love. He also discusses his special sort of love for her, which is both powerful and steadfast.

“What brand of love do I feel for my wife Suzanne?” In the letter, Hamel queries. Is it among the options above? “A categorical no!”

Hamel continues by elaborating on the special features of his love for Somers. According to him, their relationship is characterized by a strong sense of humor, mutual appreciation, and genuine respect. It is a love that has endured struggle and the test of time, but it has only gotten stronger with time.

Hamel says, “I adore Suzanne more than words can express. She is my perfect match, my dearest friend, and the love of my life. Without her, I am unable to imagine my existence.

Hamel’s letter of love to Somers honors their ongoing friendship in a lovely and moving way. It serves as a reminder that genuine love is something we choose every day, not something that occurs to us.

What type of love do you experience?

We all ponder this subject at some time in our lives, just like Hamel does in his letter. What type of love do we have for the people we are with? Is the affection we have for them now the same as what we had when we first met? Or has our relationship changed over time?

There is no one right answer to this enquiry. The type of love we experience varies depending on the connection. But Hamel’s letter gives us some perceptions into the many kinds of love we could encounter.

An intense affection

The type of love we experience in the beginning of a relationship is passionate love. It is characterized by strong urges for excitement, attraction, and desire. Passionate love has both seductive and explosive qualities. It’s crucial to keep in mind that real love is different from passionate love. Trust, respect, and dedication form the basis of true love.

sincere affection

The type of love that deepens with time is this. It is founded on esteem, adoration, and comprehension shared by both parties. A pleasant and enduring relationship is deep love. We are able to rely on this affection.

enduring love

Love that endures over time and situation is enduring love. It is an unrelenting, unconditional love. We can depend on abiding love to be there for us no matter what.

The special kind of affection Hamel had for Somers

Hamel’s style of love for Somers was a special fusion of intense, enduring, and passionate affection. It was a relationship that was based on commitment, trust, and respect. Despite being put to the test by time and struggle, their love simply became stronger as the years went by.


The farewell love letter that Alan Hamel sent to Suzanne Somers is a tender and lovely testament to their long love. It serves as a reminder that genuine love is something we choose every day, not something that occurs to us.

what type of love do you experience?

Consider the many kinds of love you have encountered in your life for a moment. Do you have a favorite kind of love in particular? Why is that kind of love so unique?

Spend some time discussing the many forms of love you have for your spouse if you are in a romantic relationship. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone else may enhance your bond and increase your connection.

Here are some further ideas on the many types of love:

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