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Hillary Clinton declares her support for Joe Biden and becomes involved in his reelection campaign.

Washington, DC In a Washington residence so grand it had its own name, Whitehaven, on the last Monday of November, Women’s Leadership Forum members contributed just under $1 million for President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Hillary Clinton is their host.

Clinton placed her reputation in jeopardy two weeks prior when she wrote an opinion piece for The Atlantic that vehemently defended Biden’s strategy in the Israel-Hamas conflict, despite progressive demands for a cease-fire. A heckler had challenged Clinton to speak on Biden’s “warmongering” at a Columbia University panel celebrating the centennial of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and she had successfully silenced her two weeks prior.

During those instances, the 2016 Democratic presidency nominee assumes a position as one of the most notable and powerful surrogates in Biden’s reelection campaign in an appearance with “The View” and on social media. She has the credentials as a former secretary of state to provide Biden some political cover in the midst of a Middle East conflict that has caused division among the Democratic Party.

Clinton continues to be a popular choice among women and important segments of the Democratic base, and she can assist guarantee that Biden has the financial resources necessary to spread his message. Regarding her family, the two-for-one deal is still prevalent: husband Bill Clinton made an appearance at the fundraiser function held in their Washington, D.C., residence.

Though it is anticipated that Clinton’s influence will only increase in the next year, for the time being she is filling a void that former President Barack Obama will eventually occupy during the campaign season. Obama has a tendency to jump right in when Election Day approaches, which annoys some Democratic strategists who feel the party desperately needs him at this point.

Although Biden and Clinton have not always been close—she forced him to withdraw from the 2016 race, and she just made her first trip to the White House in September of that year—the president is currently desperate for supporters. His support ratings are at an all-time low, and he is closely trailing the front-runner, former President Donald Trump, a Republican who is facing four different indictments.

Speaking candidly about Biden’s chances under the condition of anonymity, a Democratic strategist concluded, “Biden needs all the help that he can get.” “The spirit of unity and its actual realization are what he needs.”

Two people familiar with Biden’s campaign operation said that Clinton’s comeback is representative of a bigger Democratic attempt to more fully utilize well-known friends in his reelection campaign. While Obama has made appearances in fundraising ads for Biden, some Democrats would prefer that he be more prominent throughout the campaign and utilize his enormous celebrity to help Biden gain the momentum he so desperately needs.

One of the individuals stated, “We are very eager to get our substitutes engaged,” mentioning the Clintons and the former initial couple Barack and Michelle Obama in particular as personalities who might spark enthusiasm for a Biden campaign that may use more of it.

Michelle Obama and the Clintons accompanied Biden when he took Air Force One to a memorial ceremony for former first lady Rosalynn Carter late last month. First lady Jill Biden was among the group who was pictured together on a tarmac, leaving a lasting impression of solidarity amongst three Democratic first families supporting a fourth that was in mourning.

Dennis Cheng, a longstanding fundraiser for both Clintons, was recently brought on by the White House to increase outreach to political friends. The two sources familiar with Biden’s reelection campaign said that Cheng’s ability to interact with party insiders was more important to the hiring decision than his friendship with the Clintons. Nevertheless, it won’t hurt to further solidify Biden’s relationship with his former intraparty opponent.

Hillary Clinton’s husband had lunch in New York on the same day that she collected money for Biden, together with the President-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, and Biden’s special advisor for the Americas, former Senator Chris Dodd. Bill Clinton acted as a well-known stand-in for Biden in this situation; he did not personally meet Milei. According to persons with knowledge of the lunch, Dodd checked in with the White House before to the meal to go over conversation points, and Bill Clinton informed the Department of State that he would be collaborating with Milei.

Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle stated, “I don’t know of a couple that could be any more fruitful to President Biden than the Clintons.” “They enjoy a great deal of respect and support within the Democratic Party.”

Politicians have said over the years that each election is the most significant of our lives, Daschle went on. “There is no election more significant in American history than this one. Never before have the stakes been this high. In order to make it through the upcoming 14 months, everyone thinks that they must contribute in some way.

Hillary Clinton’s supporters expect her to put in a lot of effort on behalf of the Biden campaign, motivating Democratic voters by outlining the risks and demonstrating how a Trump win would undermine American democracy.

According to a person close to Hillary, she and Bill Clinton both have a level of party commitment that not everyone in the party hierarchy does.

This individual stated, “She and her lover will do whatever is asked of them.” “We’ll do two of the twenty events if you send us a list,” said several elected and retired politicians. “She’ll complete 18 of the 20.”

Democratic strategists said that she is also in a good position to warn voters that if they choose a third-party candidate, they may reduce Biden’s lead and give the election to Trump.

She witnessed some of her supporters defect in favor of Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s campaign after her 2016 loss to Trump, which helped her lose in hotly disputed states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

Speaking under anonymity so that they could express themselves more freely, a seasoned Democratic strategist said, “She is the proving point of what happens if you throw aside your vote on somebody other than the vice president because you’re mad at one little thing.” “She experienced that.”

Amanda Renteria, Clinton’s former national policy director for the 2016 campaign, stated that one of the key lessons gained from 2016 was the need of getting involved sooner.

People are starting to recognize that you need to stand up for yourself early and avoid letting what is going on around you define you, according to Renteria. “There’s a lot more counterattack on what an argument and theme can be incorporated in additionally to Hillary taking up on these things.”

In an interview, former South Carolina Democrat Party chairperson Dick Harpootlian stated that “Barack Obama ought to step up.” All Democrats and independents who value the democracy we have come to know should put their checkbooks down and work tirelessly to encourage people to cast ballots whenever they get the chance.

Politicians appear content with any quantity of Obama. The Democratic strategist stated, “We would like to have him out there for as much time as he’s willing to give us.” “And we would be extremely relieved if he was willing to give us what he currently does, which is not much.”

However, some who know both presidents well claim that Obama’s worth increases as the election gets closer.

According to a Democrat who has contributed to Obama and Biden’s campaigns, “Obama drives turnout.” “Later in the campaign, something occurs.”

Speaking in a prepared statement, Biden’s campaign spokesperson, Seth Schuster, stated that the senator “is proud to have the confidence of President Obama and Secretary Clinton.” They are both dependable leaders, and we are appreciative that they have already been successful in galvanizing the Biden-Harris coalition one year out, when the emphasis is on constructing the necessary infrastructure, gathering funds, and energizing our supporters to propel us to victory in November 2024.

Obama’s goal, according to a spokesperson, is not just to run for office but also to pick times and locations that will give him the best opportunity of winning over voters.

“We’ll be focusing on driving impact as our strategy,” top Obama advisor Eric Schultz stated. We put a lot of effort into coming up with innovative approaches to connect with new audiences, particularly when it comes to resources that support volunteer or voter mobilization efforts. Because we want to make a difference, we carefully choose when to act.

When 2024 approaches, Biden’s team will keep pushing for prominent surrogates to argue that democracy is at jeopardy if Trump is elected. According to Biden’s aides, there is no good reason for any prominent Democrat to remain neutral.

“Everyone is on deck,” according to a person with knowledge of his campaign.

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