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French Embassy in Israel condemns Hamas attack

On Monday, the French embassy in Israel denounced a rocket attack by the Islamist Hamas group that came within striking distance of the Israeli city of Beersheba.

The embassy issued a statement in which it expressed its “deep concern” on the ongoing rocket assaults from Gaza on Israeli civilian areas.

The statement declared that the attacks “are unacceptable and must cease right away.”

Along with that, the embassy urged Hamas to “assume its responsibility and put an end to these provocations.”

Following Israeli bombings on Gaza on Sunday, a rocket attack was launched. The airstrikes were carried out in reaction to Saturday’s rocket attacks by Gaza on Israel.

In reaction to Israeli police crackdowns on Palestinian worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Hamas launched rockets at Jerusalem on May 10, sparking the most recent round of hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

After Gaza was targeted by airstrikes from Israel, the conflict has gotten worse.

The UN has issued an alert describing the situation in Gaza as “catastrophic” and demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Describe Hamas.

The Gaza Strip is governed by Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni-Islamist extremist movement. It has a military wing called the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades as well as a social service wing called Dawah.

During the First Intifada in 1987, Hamas was established. It gained notoriety as a militant organization opposing to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory swiftly.

Israel is to be destroyed and replaced with an Islamic state, according to the charter of Hamas.

What really is the Israel-Hamas conflict?

The origins of the multifaceted conflict between Israel and Hamas go all the way back to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands, the Palestinian refugee problem, and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process are only a few of the elements that have contributed to the conflict.

There have been other flare-ups of the conflict in recent years, notably the 2006 Lebanon War, the 2008–2009 Gaza War, and the 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense.

The French Embassy in Israel is criticizing the Hamas attack, but why?

As a breach of international law and a danger to regional stability, the French Embassy in Israel has denounced the Hamas strike.

The effects of the violence on civilians worry the embassy as well.

How can the dispute between Israel and Hamas be resolved?

How to put an end to the conflict between Israel and Hamas is a difficult topic with no simple solution.

The complicated conflict has been going on for years.

To try to lessen violence and encourage peace, a number of actions can be taken.

In order to resolve the conflict, it is crucial to address its root causes, namely the Palestinian refugee issue and Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory.

Establishing mutual trust between the two parties is a further crucial stage. Talking and working together can accomplish this.

Last but not least, the international community may contribute to advancing the peace process and making both parties responsible for their deeds.

How to assist the Gazan people..

There are several things you can do if you want to assist the people of Gaza.

Making a donation to charities operating in Gaza is one method to assist. These groups offer necessities including food, water, and housing.

Increasing awareness of the situation in Gaza is another method to assist. You can do this by discussing the disagreement with your friends and family and by posting information on social media.

You can also get in touch with your political representatives and ask them to support measures that advance justice and peace in the Middle East.

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