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Congregation’s New ‘Firefly’ Program to Teach Teen Girls Fundamentals of Electrical Work Pending Workout.

Teenage ladies have a fantastic opportunity to learn the foundations of electrical work through Congregation’s new “Firefly” program. The curriculum is created to provide ladies the knowledge and abilities they need to begin a career in the electrical sector or to just learn how to do simple electrical repairs around their homes.

Girl participants must be between the ages of 13 and 18. No prior knowledge is required. Girls in the program will learn the fundamentals of electrical theory, wiring, and safety from skilled electricians.

From 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Saturdays, the program will run. The course is priced at $100. Register early because there is a maximum of 15 females for the program!

What Justifies Electrical Work for Teenage Girls?

Teenage ladies should learn electrical work for a variety of reasons. First, there is a pressing demand for competent labor due to the electrical industry’s rapid growth. Second, the trade of electrical labor pays well. Third, whether or not they decide to pursue careers in the electrical business, females may apply the skills they learn in electrical work for the rest of their life.

What Lessons Are Taught to Girls in the Firefly Program?

Girls will pick up the following skills through the Firefly program:

What Are the Firefly Program’s Advantages?

Teenage females can gain from the Firefly program in a number of ways, including:

Expectations for the First Class

Girls will meet their instructor and hear about the Firefly program’s curriculum at the first lesson. They will also be given a tour of the Congregational building where they will learn about the many kinds of electrical work carried out there.

How to Dress for Class

To participate in the Firefly program, girls should wear loose-fitting attire and closed-toe shoes. They ought to carry a pen and a notebook as well.

How to Prepare for Class

To class, girls should bring a notepad and a pen. They might also wish to bring a hard helmet and a pair of safety glasses.

What will female students be doing in class?

Girls will study electrical theory, wiring, and safety in class. On several projects, they will also hone their electrical talents.

What will girls be able to do once the program is over?

Girls who successfully complete the Firefly program will be able to do simple electrical repairs around their homes. Additionally, they will be able to begin a job in the electrical sector.

What Jobs Are Available in the Electrical Industry?

The electrical sector offers a wide range of job options. Employers that electricians can work for include building firms, electrical contractors, and maintenance divisions. Electricians have the option of opening their own enterprises.

How much does the average electrician make?

An electrician makes $55,120 a year on average. However, seasoned electricians might make far more money.

What Are the Electrical Industry’s Future Prospects?

The electrical business has excellent future potential. In the upcoming years, the industry is anticipated to develop faster than usual. The need for qualified electricians to maintain and repair our electrical infrastructure as well as the rising demand for power are the key drivers of this expansion.


Teenage ladies have a fantastic opportunity to study the foundations of electrical work through the Firefly program. The curriculum is created to provide ladies the knowledge and abilities they need to begin a career in the electrical sector or to just learn how to do simple electrical repairs around their homes.

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