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Chip Roy, Michael Cloud say they’re still against Scalise after he wins party nomination for U.S. House speaker..

Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana was selected by the Republican Party on October 11, 2023, to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Reps. Chip Roy and Michael Cloud, both Republicans from Texas, have sworn to vote against Scalise. Due to the fact that Scalise would require a majority of votes on the House floor to be elected speaker, this could cause a delay in the appointment of the next speaker.

Cloud and Roy’s protests

Although Roy and Cloud have both voiced issues about the procedure used to designate Scalise, they have not yet publicly aired their particular objections to him. Before coming to the floor, Roy has stated that he wants the Republican Conference to “unite” around a nominee. Roy also thinks that the hasty nomination of Scalise was “extremely ill-advised.” Additionally, Cloud has expressed his concern over the Republican Conference’s lack of “full buy-in” for Scalise’s candidacy.

Roy and Cloud may have more serious objections to Scalise’s candidacy than just process-related ones. also Roy and Cloud, who are also members of the far-right Freedom Caucus, have previously criticized Scalise. For instance, Roy has blasted Scalise for supporting compromise legislation with Democrats and Cloud has slammed Scalise for being too close to the establishment.

The repercussions of Roy and Cloud’s disagreement.

The battle for Speaker of the House may be significantly impacted by Roy and Cloud’s resistance to Scalise. It’s likely that Scalise won’t be able to gain a majority of votes on the House floor if they continue to reject him. Republicans would then be forced to choose a fresh nominee or hold numerous voting sessions in order to choose a Speaker.

Roy and Cloud’s opposition to Scalise may affect the Republican Party more broadly. It might be more challenging for Republicans to advance their agenda in the House of Representatives since it is an indication of the severe splits within the party.



In the contest for Speaker of the House, Roy and Cloud’s opposition to Scalise is a significant development. It might be more challenging for Republicans to advance their agenda in the House of Representatives since it is an indication of the severe splits within the party.

also Roy and Cloud, who are also members of the far-right Freedom Caucus, have previously criticized Scalise. Scalise has been attacked for supporting compromise legislation with Democrats, and Roy has said that he is too close to the establishment.

It is still unclear if Roy and Cloud will be successful in convincing other Republicans to stand with them in defeating Scalise. However, their resistance can cause a delay in the choice of the House speaker and make it more challenging for Scalise to advance his agenda as Speaker.

the Republican Party’s reaction

The Republican Party may be significantly impacted by Roy and Cloud’s opposition to Scalise. It might be more challenging for Republicans to advance their agenda in the House of Representatives since it is an indication of the severe splits within the party.

The mainstream and far-right sides of the Republican Party have been at odds for a long time. The fact that Roy and Cloud oppose Scalise is evidence that these splits are just becoming worse. Additionally, it demonstrates the growing influence of the Republican Party’s far-right side.

Roy and Cloud’s resistance to Scalise may make it more challenging for Republicans to advance their agenda in the House of Representatives. Republicans won’t be able to pass any legislation if Scalise can’t secure a majority of votes on the floor. The House of Representatives may get impassed as a result, which might harm the Republican Party’s prospects of winning the 2024 midterm elections.


In the contest for Speaker of the House, Roy and Cloud’s opposition to Scalise is a significant development. It might be more challenging for Republicans to advance their agenda in the House of Representatives since it is an indication of the severe splits within the party.

We’ll have to wait and see if Roy and Cloud can convince other Republicans to go with them in defeating Scalise. However, both in the short and long terms, their resistance may have a substantial effect on the Republican Party.

Another indication of the far-right fringe of the Republican Party’s expanding power is Roy and Cloud’s hostility to Scalise. Roy and Cloud are members of the Freedom Caucus, a group of conservative Republicans who have criticized the party’s leadership.

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